How to trigger SimpleFirewall.SimpleFirewallExtension.FilterDataProvider.handleNewFlow

i use the:

I want to study networkextension framework.i already installed the SimpleFirewallExtension systemeextension, and i have the entitlements, but i don't know how to trigger the handleNewFlow function.

What should I do to trigger this function?

If you look in FilterDataProvider.swift you’ll see this code:

// Filter incoming TCP connections on port 8888
let filterRules = ["", "::"].map { address -> NEFilterRule in
    let localNetwork = NWHostEndpoint(hostname: address, port: FilterDataProvider.localPort)
    let inboundNetworkRule = NENetworkRule(remoteNetwork: nil,
                                           remotePrefix: 0,
                                           localNetwork: localNetwork,
                                           localPrefix: 0,
                                           protocol: .TCP,
                                           direction: .inbound)
    return NEFilterRule(networkRule: inboundNetworkRule, action: .filterData)

This is what sets up the filtering rules. As you can see, it filters any incoming connections on port 8888. So, to trigger the filter, you have to:

  • Make an incoming connection on that port. I usually do this with nc, using the -l option to listen for incoming connections. See the nc man page for more.

  • Change the code that sets up the rules.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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How to trigger SimpleFirewall.SimpleFirewallExtension.FilterDataProvider.handleNewFlow