I have a MacApp with a 1 year subscription. I can buy it, the purchase request for the buy shows up.
Like this:
NSSet *productIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObject:@"Test"];
productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:productIdentifiers];
productsRequest.delegate = self;
[productsRequest start];
this should work with the Delegate.
If a try to restore the InApp purchased subscription like this:
NSLog(@"Restore Purchase");
productIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObject:@"Test"];
productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:productIdentifiers];
[productsRequest setDelegate:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
But the paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished is not called.
If i purchase the subscription again it shows me the SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored has been selected. Is this so ok? I think it is a little bit irritating if the Purchase window appears again. Is the Purchase delegate the same as the restore delegate?
Rewards from Germany Sven.