Flutter App Crash on new Xcode 14.0 and iOS 16

Hi friends,

Before I used Xcode 13.4.1 no problems, after upgrade to xCode 14.0, my app crashes after build, I don't know why :( I get these errors:

    0x10ce33f08 <+0>:   stp    x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20]!
    0x10ce33f0c <+4>:   stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
    0x10ce33f10 <+8>:   add    x29, sp, #0x10
    0x10ce33f14 <+12>:  adrp   x8, 7435
    0x10ce33f18 <+16>:  add    x8, x8, #0xa28            ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33f1c <+20>:  ldarb  w8, [x8]
    0x10ce33f20 <+24>:  tbz    w8, #0x0, 0x10ce33f88     ; <+128> at MemoryManager.cpp:528:5
    0x10ce33f24 <+28>:  adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33f28 <+32>:  add    x0, x0, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33f2c <+36>:  bl     0x10d3f14c4               ; ::Lock() at Mutex.cpp:61:5
    0x10ce33f30 <+40>:  adrp   x19, 7589
    0x10ce33f34 <+44>:  ldr    x8, [x19, #0xa40]
    0x10ce33f38 <+48>:  cbnz   x8, 0x10ce33f70           ; <+104> [inlined] ~AutoLock at Mutex.h:34:31
    0x10ce33f3c <+52>:  adrp   x8, 7324
    0x10ce33f40 <+56>:  ldr    x0, [x8, #0xb18]
    0x10ce33f44 <+60>:  mov    w9, #0x8330
    0x10ce33f48 <+64>:  movk   w9, #0x4, lsl #16
    0x10ce33f4c <+68>:  add    x9, x0, x9
    0x10ce33f50 <+72>:  str    x9, [x8, #0xb18]
    0x10ce33f54 <+76>:  adrp   x8, 7435
    0x10ce33f58 <+80>:  add    x8, x8, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33f5c <+84>:  cmp    x9, x8
    0x10ce33f60 <+88>:  b.hi   0x10ce33ffc               ; <+244> [inlined] ~AutoLock + 20 at Mutex.h
    0x10ce33f64 <+92>:  bl     0x10ce34c4c               ; ::MemoryManager() at MemoryManager.cpp:834
    0x10ce33f68 <+96>:  str    x0, [x19, #0xa40]
    0x10ce33f6c <+100>: bl     0x10ce34008               ; ::InitializeFallback() at MemoryManager.cpp:892
    0x10ce33f70 <+104>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33f74 <+108>: add    x0, x0, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33f78 <+112>: bl     0x10d3f14cc               ; ::Unlock() at Mutex.cpp:68:5
    0x10ce33f7c <+116>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
    0x10ce33f80 <+120>: ldp    x20, x19, [sp], #0x20
    0x10ce33f84 <+124>: ret    
    0x10ce33f88 <+128>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33f8c <+132>: add    x0, x0, #0xa28            ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33f90 <+136>: bl     0x10e5c48f0               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_acquire
    0x10ce33f94 <+140>: cbz    w0, 0x10ce33f24           ; <+28> [inlined] AutoLock at Mutex.h:33:59
    0x10ce33f98 <+144>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33f9c <+148>: add    x0, x0, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33fa0 <+152>: bl     0x10d3f1474               ; ::Mutex() at Mutex.cpp:46
    0x10ce33fa4 <+156>: adrp   x0, 1470
    0x10ce33fa8 <+160>: add    x0, x0, #0x49c            ; ::~Mutex() at Mutex.cpp:47
    0x10ce33fac <+164>: adrp   x1, 7435
    0x10ce33fb0 <+168>: add    x1, x1, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33fb4 <+172>: adrp   x2, -323
    0x10ce33fb8 <+176>: add    x2, x2, #0x0
    0x10ce33fbc <+180>: bl     0x10e5c48a8               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_atexit
    0x10ce33fc0 <+184>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33fc4 <+188>: add    x0, x0, #0xa28            ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33fc8 <+192>: bl     0x10e5c48fc               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_release
    0x10ce33fcc <+196>: b      0x10ce33f24               ; <+28> [inlined] AutoLock at Mutex.h:33:59
    0x10ce33fd0 <+200>: mov    x19, x0
    0x10ce33fd4 <+204>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33fd8 <+208>: add    x0, x0, #0xa28            ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33fdc <+212>: bl     0x10e5c48e4               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_abort
    0x10ce33fe0 <+216>: b      0x10ce33ff4               ; <+236> [inlined] ~AutoLock + 12 at Mutex.h
    0x10ce33fe4 <+220>: mov    x19, x0
    0x10ce33fe8 <+224>: adrp   x0, 7435
    0x10ce33fec <+228>: add    x0, x0, #0x9e0            ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
    0x10ce33ff0 <+232>: bl     0x10d3f14cc               ; ::Unlock() at Mutex.cpp:68:5
    0x10ce33ff4 <+236>: mov    x0, x19
    0x10ce33ff8 <+240>: bl     0x10e5c4380               ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume
->  0x10ce33ffc <+244>: brk    #0x1
    0x10ce34000 <+248>: bl     0x10ccfb884               ; __clang_call_terminate
    0x10ce34004 <+252>: bl     0x10ccfb884               ; __clang_call_terminate

I'm stuck for 3 days now :( I tried a lot of fixes nothing works :( any guidance, help or suggestions will be much appreciated!

Hello, I have exactly the same issue after upgrading to Xcode 14 and tried to running my App on iOS 16 (seems to be linked), please let me know if you find the solution !

Hi @Simb2s, yeah it's a headache issue I tried in a hundreds of ways to fix this issue, no solution so far, meanwhile I just downgraded to Xcode 13.4.1, thanks God now it's fine. If I will find solution, or Apple Team will get a fix for this, I will let you know!

Good luck my friend!

Hi, just downgraded xCode to 13.4.1 version and it works for me too, thanks for the tip. Hope the Apple team will fix this soon! Good luck to you too!

0x00000001114a2fbc in ~AutoLock [inlined] at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Threads/Mutex.h:34

Hope to solve it soon. I have too. If it is solved, please inform me. Thank you

We have found a fix

Go to Product and then Edit Scheme...

Then under Run and Diagnostics deselect Thread Performance Checker

Let's hope Unity fixes this in the future to prevent everyone from editing their Scheme settings to get deployment to iOS16 to work

Fix found, check my new post

Flutter App Crash on new Xcode 14.0 and iOS 16