Hi friends,
Before I used Xcode 13.4.1 no problems, after upgrade to xCode 14.0, my app crashes after build, I don't know why :( I get these errors:
0x10ce33f08 <+0>: stp x20, x19, [sp, #-0x20]!
0x10ce33f0c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
0x10ce33f10 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x10
0x10ce33f14 <+12>: adrp x8, 7435
0x10ce33f18 <+16>: add x8, x8, #0xa28 ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33f1c <+20>: ldarb w8, [x8]
0x10ce33f20 <+24>: tbz w8, #0x0, 0x10ce33f88 ; <+128> at MemoryManager.cpp:528:5
0x10ce33f24 <+28>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33f28 <+32>: add x0, x0, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33f2c <+36>: bl 0x10d3f14c4 ; ::Lock() at Mutex.cpp:61:5
0x10ce33f30 <+40>: adrp x19, 7589
0x10ce33f34 <+44>: ldr x8, [x19, #0xa40]
0x10ce33f38 <+48>: cbnz x8, 0x10ce33f70 ; <+104> [inlined] ~AutoLock at Mutex.h:34:31
0x10ce33f3c <+52>: adrp x8, 7324
0x10ce33f40 <+56>: ldr x0, [x8, #0xb18]
0x10ce33f44 <+60>: mov w9, #0x8330
0x10ce33f48 <+64>: movk w9, #0x4, lsl #16
0x10ce33f4c <+68>: add x9, x0, x9
0x10ce33f50 <+72>: str x9, [x8, #0xb18]
0x10ce33f54 <+76>: adrp x8, 7435
0x10ce33f58 <+80>: add x8, x8, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33f5c <+84>: cmp x9, x8
0x10ce33f60 <+88>: b.hi 0x10ce33ffc ; <+244> [inlined] ~AutoLock + 20 at Mutex.h
0x10ce33f64 <+92>: bl 0x10ce34c4c ; ::MemoryManager() at MemoryManager.cpp:834
0x10ce33f68 <+96>: str x0, [x19, #0xa40]
0x10ce33f6c <+100>: bl 0x10ce34008 ; ::InitializeFallback() at MemoryManager.cpp:892
0x10ce33f70 <+104>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33f74 <+108>: add x0, x0, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33f78 <+112>: bl 0x10d3f14cc ; ::Unlock() at Mutex.cpp:68:5
0x10ce33f7c <+116>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
0x10ce33f80 <+120>: ldp x20, x19, [sp], #0x20
0x10ce33f84 <+124>: ret
0x10ce33f88 <+128>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33f8c <+132>: add x0, x0, #0xa28 ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33f90 <+136>: bl 0x10e5c48f0 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_acquire
0x10ce33f94 <+140>: cbz w0, 0x10ce33f24 ; <+28> [inlined] AutoLock at Mutex.h:33:59
0x10ce33f98 <+144>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33f9c <+148>: add x0, x0, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33fa0 <+152>: bl 0x10d3f1474 ; ::Mutex() at Mutex.cpp:46
0x10ce33fa4 <+156>: adrp x0, 1470
0x10ce33fa8 <+160>: add x0, x0, #0x49c ; ::~Mutex() at Mutex.cpp:47
0x10ce33fac <+164>: adrp x1, 7435
0x10ce33fb0 <+168>: add x1, x1, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33fb4 <+172>: adrp x2, -323
0x10ce33fb8 <+176>: add x2, x2, #0x0
0x10ce33fbc <+180>: bl 0x10e5c48a8 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_atexit
0x10ce33fc0 <+184>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33fc4 <+188>: add x0, x0, #0xa28 ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33fc8 <+192>: bl 0x10e5c48fc ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_release
0x10ce33fcc <+196>: b 0x10ce33f24 ; <+28> [inlined] AutoLock at Mutex.h:33:59
0x10ce33fd0 <+200>: mov x19, x0
0x10ce33fd4 <+204>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33fd8 <+208>: add x0, x0, #0xa28 ; guard variable for MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33fdc <+212>: bl 0x10e5c48e4 ; symbol stub for: __cxa_guard_abort
0x10ce33fe0 <+216>: b 0x10ce33ff4 ; <+236> [inlined] ~AutoLock + 12 at Mutex.h
0x10ce33fe4 <+220>: mov x19, x0
0x10ce33fe8 <+224>: adrp x0, 7435
0x10ce33fec <+228>: add x0, x0, #0x9e0 ; MemoryManager::InitializeMemory()::s_initializeMemory
0x10ce33ff0 <+232>: bl 0x10d3f14cc ; ::Unlock() at Mutex.cpp:68:5
0x10ce33ff4 <+236>: mov x0, x19
0x10ce33ff8 <+240>: bl 0x10e5c4380 ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume
-> 0x10ce33ffc <+244>: brk #0x1
0x10ce34000 <+248>: bl 0x10ccfb884 ; __clang_call_terminate
0x10ce34004 <+252>: bl 0x10ccfb884 ; __clang_call_terminate
I'm stuck for 3 days now :( I tried a lot of fixes nothing works :( any guidance, help or suggestions will be much appreciated!