ios 16.0 no volume control in lockscreen while playing music - i can't stand using thevolume buttons

For context, I am not yet used to the new UI on the lockscreen when listenig to music.

However, I am used to toggling the volume on the lockscreen and had preferred that than using the volume control buttons. Now, everytime I am listening to music, I keep on rewinding/fast-forwarding the song instead of adjusting the volume. It is super annoying IMO. Am i missing a vol function on screen here or something? Maybe it just didn't fit the new aesthehtic. Wehhh.

That's not really a Developer issue. These are the Developer Forums. Please go to the Support Forums, or submit some feedback. There is space for a volume mute control so maybe Apple will add it.

Alternatively, if you press the volume buttons once, you can drag the volume up or down with your finger on the volume control that appears.

ios 16.0 no volume control in lockscreen while playing music - i can't stand using thevolume buttons