WatchKit app no longer has bridging header after upgrade to Xcode14?

I've upgraded to Xcode 14 and the suggested changes to the project included making the WatchKit app and the extension be a single target. Once I did that, my complications and my old extension code can't find the objective-c objects that I had included via a bridging header. I've gone looking in the watch app settings and there is no option for setting the bridging header. None that I can find, I should say. There is no Swift Compiler section at all, and I can't seem to add a user-defined setting either. Now the app won't compile.

If I restore from time machine and try again, then I can't install the app because Xcode tells me that an extensionless WatchKit app has an extension, which of course it does!

So how do I add the bridging header to the WatchKit app?

I have some Objective-C code that I share with my Widget extension. It's stored in the Widget folder but is pointed at from the main app's target > Build Settings > search for "Bridging". Mine works. Can you see if the "Swift Compiler - General" section is in the main app's settings.

@Attila Did you figure out how to fix this issue? I have the exact same problem. Thanks!

WatchKit app no longer has bridging header after upgrade to Xcode14?