Accessibility issue on iOS 16.0 when isAccessibilityElement=YES

The scenario is:

  1. Configure UITableViewCell using custom content configuration.
  2. Call self.isAccessibilityElement = YES in the custom content view.
  3. On iOS 16.0, the accessibilityLabel won't be called by VoiceOver for the configured cell.

Note the following:

  • On iOS 15.x, accessibility works as expected with both UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell.
  • Starting from iOS 16.0, accessibility is no longer working with UITableViewCell (while it keeps working with UICollectionViewCell).

Anyone encountered similar issue?


Hey there! To fully understand your issue, please provide a larger code sample for your table view cell, like how you are setting the content inside and how you are setting the accessibility API for it. As well as a screen recording of you experiencing the issue with VoiceOver on. You can upload that in a feedback report and post the feedback ID here, which will help us work to resolve the issue or offer solutions or workarounds.

Check out this webpage if you need more info about how to file feedback:

  • Thank you for your quick reply!

    I added a bug related to this issue: FB11567278I also added another bug related to inconsistent behavior of VoiceOver in table view vs. collection view. You might want to view it as well: FB11566795

    Note that both bugs contain screen recording and full sample project that should hopefully make it easy to reproduce issue.

    Let me know if you need further info.

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Hello @Yoash, did you get any solution to this issue?

Hi, Did we get any resolution for the issue. I can see the same issue persisting in iOS 16+ devices. and no workaround is working. When can we expect the issue to be resolved ?