I'm trying to get a list of beta builds from an API call that looks like "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/builds?limit=10&sort=-version&filter[app]=#{APP_ID}&filter[preReleaseVersion.version]=#{version}&include=buildBetaDetail"
, this used to work last I tried but recently I haven't been seeing anything in the included
key of the response dictionary. Did the API change or am I doing something wrong?
No included data from API /builds call using include query param
Got another chance to look in to this more, using "https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/buildBetaDetails?filter[id]=#{ID}"
returns a the requested build details but the externalBuildState
is always marked as "PROCESSING" no matter the actual state on TestFlight, still unsure if it's something I'm missing here