When i do "reveal in finder" from literally any app, including spotlight searches FROM the finder, if the item i'm revealing is in a sub-folder of my Home folder, it ONLY reveals my Home folder.
for example, i have a structure like this: (home)/Documents/Filing Cabinet/Manuals/PowerSwitch/PowerSwitch.pdf
Say i forgot where i put that, so i do a spotlight search for "powerswitch", and spotlight helpfully locates everything with that name, so i scroll to the bottom (why is it at the bottom?) and pick "search in finder", which shows a nice window with all the search results.
I see a folder called "PowerSwitch" so i: a) double click it, or: b) right click and pick "show in enclosing folder"
Either way, a new window comes up showing ONLY the "Home" folder. Note this ONLY happens when i have "column view" as the default.
If i have "list view" as the default, it DOES work, showing a window containing the actual folder or file i'm interested in, but if i then switch said window to column view (which is what i always want), suddenly the window shows only the HOME folder.
I'd think i could then hit the "back" button on that widow, but nope, still shows the HOME folder.
why oh why finder, why do you thwart me so? it's been this way for a couple years AFAIK, at LEAST since Big Sur (i'm now on Monterey)