Remove/change circular clipping shape for Lock Screen widget of type .accessoryCircular


Right now Lock Screen widgets of type .accessoryCircular clipped with circular shape so it's not possible to use whole square area for a content. Is it possible to turn it off/override or could it be considered for a change? Eg allow to set clipping shape to square?


It's a circle. Apple might add an .accessorySquare widget in future, but they haven't yet, so just work with the widget as it is.

That being said, raise a feedback request in the usual way and maybe they'll add it.

It's a circle. Apple might add an .accessorySquare widget in future, but they haven't yet, so just work with the widget as it is.

yes, but 🙃

I see your point, thanks and it's obvious, I'll post feedback request once it will be clear there are no "hidden" options to use.

  • Sorry, there's no "but" here. The widget is of the family .accessoryCircular. Just because it shows a square behind it, doesn't mean it's going to draw it as a square.

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