Xcode help


I just wanna make an app where there is 4 photos, but each one of them have to be alone in the contentview.

so what am asking is does someone know how to make one picture on a useable button which will send me to a different background with an another button etc..

i hope it make sense, sorry just started.

BTW is there a way that a can touch a place on the phone also a button without theres is a visible button.

i would dearly appreciate a response.

Hey. Do you use SwiftUI or UIkit?

It is not totally clear, but I'll try to understand.

make one picture on a useable button which will send me to a different background with an another button

  • you can include image in button (you can do it from Interface Builder) or in SwiftUI
  • then the IBAction of the button should have a segue to the next ViewController where you will include another button…
  • Note If all the views are very similar, you could have only on ViewController and populate it correctly (background image, button image…) in the prepare for segue.

is there a way that a can touch a place on the phone also a button without theres is a visible button.

Yes, in several ways.

  • If you want to tap on a view, change its class in Interface Builder as UIControl (which is a subclass of UIView).
  • you can then attach an action on it by control-drag from the UIControl to the ViewController and select the event (such as touch inside or whatever you want).


  • create a transparent button with no title. And size the button to the size you want.
Xcode help