WeatherKit App Registration

Each time I've attempted to tinker with WeatherKit, I'm unable to get it working.

I have done the following:

  • Create an App ID
    • Add WeatherKit capability
    • Add WeatherKit app service
  • Add WeatherKit capability to MyApp

When creating the AppID for MyApp, I use MyApp for the description and com.myname.MyApp for the bundle ID.

What am I missing?

Additionally, I've waited 30+ minutes each time.

WDSJWTAuthenticatorService errors? If so, same here.

Same here. Have ensured App Capabilities are added, services on Identifier is added etc.

I've tried multiple app ids, various devices and simulators, and continue to get these errors. Lots of other complaints as well. Many "fixed" posts with no real solution.

Same here... it worked in the betas, but stopped working now that I want to publish :( Weatherkit is enabled in both Capacities, and in the App Services...

I have decoded the JWT token and ensured it contains the exact same items as the sample token at

    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "3J4F34**24",
    "id": ""
    "iss": "KC697SNQ2X",
    "iat": 1437179036,
    "exp": 1493298100,
    "sub": "com.caramba.instaweather"

response is

{"timestamp":"2022-09-16T18:17:15Z","status":403,"error":"Forbidden","message":"Access Denied","path":"/api/v1/availability/37.323/122.032"}   

Hello, we have the same problem that cujo30227 with WeatherKit REST API authentication. We are trying auth with the api but the response is similar (403 - Access denied). We have created the weather kit key and activate the weather kit service in our Apple developer account. Actually, **we work with darksky but it will be closed by Apple on March 2023: ** We need to know when the WeatherKit REST API will be ready to do the migration please. Regards.

Same issue. Was working fine last time I checked a couple of weeks ago. Now getting 403 Access denied. What's up with this?

I'm getting a 403 as well, but I just recently setup the REST access. I was previously using WeatherKit via Swift and it worked fine for months up until 2 weeks ago when it stopped working. I setup the REST credentials to see if I could get ANYTHING to work.

Curious if anyone else eventually got WeatherKit working again? I suspect it has something to do with my account since it stopped working around my developer account renewal date, but I haven't been able to get any help from Apple up to this point.

WeatherKit App Registration