I'm using UICalendarView in my SwiftUI app. Inside of my func calendarView() I'm specifying emojis for decorations for certain days and they're showing up just fine. The problem is that VoiceOver completely ignores the decorations. If I touch a day it says the date and "button", which is exactly what I want. I've tried adding all of the accessibility items below but none of them cause VoiceOver to mention the day's decoration.
return .customView {
let emoji = UILabel()
emoji.text = foundEvent.emoji
emoji.isAccessibilityElement = true
emoji.accessibilityIdentifier = "identifier"
emoji.accessibilityTraits = .staticText
emoji.accessibilityLabel = "I like turtles."
emoji.accessibilityValue = foundEvent.emoji
emoji.accessibilityHint = "I also like turtles."
return emoji