Editing Did End action is firing when alert opens

I have a textField which opens an alert. The textField is displayed in a custom popup. The textFiled is hooked to Editing_Did_End, Editing_Did_Begin and Editing_Changed actions.

I'm running Xcode 13.4.1

In iOS 15.5 everything works fine.

In iOS 15.6.1 the Editing_Did_End action is fired as soon as the alert opens. This is causing me a lot of trouble.

In iOS 15.5 the Editing_Did_End action is not fired when the alert opens. This is how it has worked in the past.

I'm pretty sure this is a bug. Has anybody else run into this?

I'd be happy to share my code but the thing is that it works perfectly in iOS 15.5 so I don't think there's a problem with my code.

I don't know of the reason of this behaviour. You should file a bug report.

Could you test changing the connection to Editing_Did_End for a connection to did end on exit ?

I filed a report on this on 9/14/22. Haven't heard anything since. Does anybody know what the normal response time is?

Editing Did End action is firing when alert opens