I have an app currently in the App Store, minimum version 15.0. I've updated the app with technologies from iOS 16 (Grid, NavigationStack, and more). I have two questions that I can't seem to get an exact answer for when searching:
If I submit the new app version for review and it gets approved, will the previous version that worked with iOS 15 still be available? I'm guessing it won't and that I should have maybe used those new technologies conditionally...
When can I submit iOS 16 apps for review? If I submit the app, say "now" (during the beta period of IOS 16), and it got approved instantly, would it supplant the existing version and only be available to beta users (because its min version is iOS 16)? (this then ties back into question #1).
Thanks for the help!
will the previous version that worked with iOS 15 still be available?
maybe used those new technologies conditionally...
Absolutely. You should allow your app to work at least on iOS 15 and even below.
When can I submit iOS 16 apps for review?
As soon as Xcode 14 is released (or RC). Not possible to submit with Xcode beta.