The CFBunldeVersion is changing when upload second build to TestFlight

Hi Folks,

I noticed today after my second build was uploaded to TestFlight, my CFBundle version which should look like a 'date. time' string will be changed to 2023 and if I upload a new one it will be changed to 2024, etc.

This is what is seen in my organizer window in Xcode before upload

but what I see in TestFlight is:

If I upload a new one, it bumps the build number to 2024

All looked good until I had to upload my second build and this happened. I know it's just a test flight's build# but wonder why that is changing on the second and the next builds? the first build was good!


  • it seems TestFlight is cutting the rest of the version numbers after the first part which is 'year' and bumping it for each next upload. We have had similar uploads in the past but we did not see such a behavior.

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Please see this thread for an explanation of what’s happening.

Note that this isn’t specific to TestFlight. Your bundle version is getting changed when you upload to the build to App Store Connect, so it would be the same for both TestFlight and for release on the App Store.