What is resetting my table view's directionalLayoutMargins after load?


I have a table view with style = .insetGrouped and am trying unsuccesfully to adjust my directionalLayoutMargins. More specifically, it seems that something is resetting my custom margins to top: 0.0, leading: 20.0, bottom: 0.0, trailing: 20.0) between viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear. How can I disable this behavior?



To clarify, I have a UITableView which is constrained to occupy the entire view of a UIViewController, but whose cells must be inset by a specific distance from the edge. I was told previously that this could be accomplished by setting the table view's style to .insetGrouped, and this does seem to be the case, but I am struggling to properly set the layoutMargins. They seem to be "stuck" to (0,20,0,20) no matter what a specify in IB or code.


What is resetting my table view's directionalLayoutMargins after load?