Is it ok to call requestContentEditingInput for a lot of PHAssets to get URLs for their full size image? It seems odd because I would not be using the content editing input to actually modify these images. Is that ok are or are there implications to be aware of?
Use case: I want to allow the user to share multiple PHAssets via UIActivityViewController. I can download and share an array of UIImage, which works, but I found if you tap Copy the app freezes for like 1 second for each photo (10 seconds if you shared 10 photos). Profiling the app it looks like iOS is spending the time creating a PNG for each image. Also it's probably not a good idea to store huge images in memory like that. I figured I'd try sharing an array of URLs to the images. Seemingly the only way you can get a URL for a photo is by requesting a content editing input for the asset and accessing its fullSizeImageURL property. Is this a good idea, and is this the right approach to share PHAssets?