I have this code here, and I am really struggling with using SwiftUI and an MVVM architecture to display data from this https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY. I want to take the image URL passes through the JSON and display it. I Found https://medium.com/swift-productions/sdwebimageswiftui-image-from-url-b0960f0bda64 that shows how to use the SDWebView Swift package, and I would like to use this package to take the image URL that comes out of the JSON and display that image.
However, I am not sure how to setup my View Model... I made this app a bit ago that parses JSONs and puts them in a table, but when it seems like you have to setup your view model differently for creating a table compared to just displaying an image? Do any of you have any tips or resources I can look at ? thanks