Counter Signature and Detached Signature

@eskimo Does Mac support Counter Signature and Detached Signature? If yes, then which API call from security framework is used to get those signature informations ?

I don’t know what a “Counter Signature” is.

macOS does support detached signatures but that feature is no longer relevant [1]. We strongly recommend that developers ship signed products.

Why are you concerned about this? What are you hoping to achieve with these facilities?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] Back in the day most Mac products weren’t signed but various subsystems, like the Application Firewall, wanted to work with code signatures. To resolve this we would ad hoc sign code on demand. That didn’t end well, because some programs get grumpy if you modify them, so we switched to using detached signatures. However, this concept is no longer relevant because Gatekeeper now requires signed code, and so most products are signed at the ‘factory’.

Counter Signature and Detached Signature