How do I make this happen?


I am trying to code this is in UIKit but the problem I am having with compositional layout because I seriously do not understand it. I basically am going to put the images on the genres from the Assets I upload to Xcode. When clicked that will link to a Playlists View which will display playlists from the Apple Music API and then each playlist will link to a PlaylistDetailView which will show the playlist, Tracks inside of it and they can click to play it once again provided via Apple Music API.

The MiniPlayer View you see on the image that is a mini player just showing the current music playlist thumbnail and the track title and artist.

How the hell do I do this in UIKIt? I know I probs have to use compositional layout here but I am so confused how to call in the different files for the different view elements into the home view controller and then also how to build this out?

Best, Imran

How do I make this happen?