Bug: IAP pricing API returns inconsistent results

The App Store Connect API returns inconsistent results for IAP pricing.


I expect to see at least two inAppPurchasePrices objects, one with startDate: null, representing the current, active price, and at least one with a non-null startDate.

Many IAPs I query don't include an inAppPurchasePrices object that has startDate: null, forcing me to sort through the return objects for the latest startDate (excluding those in the future).

Other IAPs I query return only one inAppPurchasePrices object, and that object has startDate: null.

Worst of all, sometimes the startDate: null object points to the wrong price point!

To repro

Run this Node program I wrote using https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-app-store-connect-api

const { fetchJson } = await api({ issuerId: "***", apiKey: "***" });

const iaps = await fetchJson('apps/1302297731/inAppPurchasesV2?limit=200');

const output = {
    noLatest: [],
    noNull: [],
    nullMismatchesLatest: [],
    ok: [],

await Promise.all(iaps.map(async (iap) => {
    const { data: inAppPurchasePrices, included } = await fetchJson(`inAppPurchasePriceSchedules/${iap.id}/manualPrices?include=inAppPurchasePricePoint&filter[territory]=USA`,
        { inclusions: 'tree' });
    const latestStartPrice = inAppPurchasePrices.filter(price => price.attributes.startDate && new Date(price.attributes.startDate).getTime() < Date.now())
        .sort((a, b) => b.attributes.startDate.localeCompare(a.attributes.startDate))[0];
    const nullStartPrice = inAppPurchasePrices.filter(price => !price.attributes.startDate)[0];
    if (!latestStartPrice) {
    if (!nullStartPrice) {
    if (latestStartPrice && nullStartPrice) {
        const latestStartPricePoint = included.inAppPurchasePricePoints[latestStartPrice.relationships.inAppPurchasePricePoint.data.id];
        const nullStartPricePoint = included.inAppPurchasePricePoints[nullStartPrice.relationships.inAppPurchasePricePoint.data.id];
        if (latestStartPricePoint !== nullStartPricePoint) {
        } else {

console.log(JSON.stringify(output, null, 2));


All IAPs should appear in the ok array, having a startDate: null price that matches the current latest price with a non-null startDate.


  "noLatest": [
  "noNull": [
  "nullMismatchesLatest": [
  "ok": [


I filed this in Feedback Assistant as FB10941060.