How to stop auto-capitalization / auto-correct capitalized words to small letters when using Apple pen on textView?

I have specifically mentioned

textView.autocapitalizationType = .none

but when an input is done with Apple pen, the words entered will be automatically changed to Capital letter for the first word and other middle words which are originally entered as capitalized words being changed to small letters. If using keyboard for text input, no such issue.

Even when I change the setting->keyboard, turn off autocapitalization, the words will still be changed to Capital letter for first words and other words all to small letters as long as using Apple pen.

How can I programmatically forced the input by Apple pen to be exactly as what user key in ( which word to be in small letters, and which to be capital letters ), instead of autoCapitalized them and auto-turn capitalized words by user to small letters when it is not needed to do so at all. Thanks.

Same problem for me. And it is a problem unlike any other input method. Let's say I've got autocap turned on, but I want to go all lowercase once. Say I'm searching Google ngrams, which interprets "Word" not as "word" but as wanting to intentionally look for that case instance. Or, I just want to reply to a text with "lmao" and not "Lmao", but otherwise enjoy the autocap. Many ways to end up with a small L. With pencil, everything I do brings back a capitalized letter. Wtf?

Same problem for me. And it is a problem unlike any other input method.

Google ngrams for example interprets "Word1 word2" not as equivalent to "word1 word2" but as intentionally case-sensitive. I must invoke a keyboard to fix this. If I want to reply "lmao" and not "Lmao", same thing. With pencil, everything I do brings back a capitalized letter. Independent of keyboard autocap setting, even. Wtf?

I also am having this problem, i wish someone who knows would reply already. since this post was made 7 months ago

How to stop auto-capitalization / auto-correct capitalized words to small letters when using Apple pen on textView?