WeatherKit Apple Weather trademark and legal link.

I have read the WeatherKit docs and watched the "Meet WeatherKit" WWDC video but it is not clear where the trademark and legal link need to be displayed. Can someone at Apple please clarify this.

The docs state: "If your apps, web apps, or websites display any Apple weather data, you must clearly display the Apple Weather trademark, as well as the legal link to other data sources."

I have a calendar style app on the App Store and want to incorporate weather data as simple icons into the day, week, month views with in the app.

Is it ok to just display the trademark and legal link in the app's Settings view where a user would first turn on this weather feature?

Or does it have to be displayed on every single view where weather data is displayed? Even if that data is just displaying a simple Sun or Cloud or Rain symbol to the user.


I am wondering the same.

Another wonderer here. I am building an independent Apple Watch app without iOS counterpart app. When adding the link to the app view, and tapping it on simulator, this error is seen in the logs:

Attempting to open url with scheme https failed: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=45 "Operation not supported" UserInfo={_LSLine

So is it even possible to offer this link in watchOS app or is this working on a read device? Currently cannot test this on a real watch with beta software.

We would also like clarification on this; as well as a link to get SVG resources(light and dark) for the Apple Weather logo to be used.


WeatherKit Apple Weather trademark and legal link.