Does anyone's WeatherKit work on a real device?

I'm working on an app with WeatherKit. The app works on the simulator, but it doesn't work on the real device. Calling " ..." never returns data or an error.

do {
   let weather = try await myPlace)
   print(weather) // always on the simulator, never on the device  
} catch {
  // never gets a call

I'm using the latest beta on my device.

Apple's TestFlight sample app doesn't work on the device, but it works fine on the simulator.

Does anyone's WeatherKit work on a real device?

Hi Michal,

If you can provide a configured project that demonstrates this issue, could you create a bug report with the sample project attached ( then post the bug number here in this thread, the engineering team can take a look at what's gone wrong.

After updating to beta 4 everything works OK.

Does anyone's WeatherKit work on a real device?