I have built an XcodeSourceEditorExtension which I can:
- Run locally from xcode (launching greyed out xcode etc)
- Archive successfully
- Upload/Distribute to TestFlight
- Download and launch the application from TestFlight
- See the app and extension in System Preferences>Extensions>(Added Extensions|Xcode Source Editor)
I have checked the boxes but the extension never appears in the Xcode>Editor menu.
Have tried all "fixes" I have read about, including re-installing xcode. However, nothing seems to work. All TestFlight testers have the same issue.
Have also run the following terminal commands:
pluginkit -m -p com.apple.dt.Xcode.extension.source-editor
pluginkit -m -p com.apple.dt.Xcode.extension.source-editor -A -D -vvv
which generates the following output:
+ com.cheekyghost.<appName>.XcodeExtension(1.0)
+ com.cheekyghost.<appName>.XcodeExtension(1.0)
Path = /Applications/<appName>app/Contents/PlugIns/<appName>Extension.appex
UUID = ********-****-****-****-************
Timestamp = 2022-07-26 10:40:39 +0000
SDK = com.apple.dt.Xcode.extension.source-editor
Parent Bundle = /Applications/<appName>.app
Display Name = <appName> Extension
Short Name = <appName>Extension
Parent Name = <appName>
(1 plug-in)
I feel like I'm missing something but can't for the life of me see what. Has anyone else run into this issue while distributing an Xcode source extension?