RoomCaptureSession with meshing

As my title indicates, I would like to figure out how to run RoomCaptureSession with meshing turned on and also get the captured room data as well.

Here is my vars:

var captureSession: RoomCaptureSession?
var finalResults: CapturedRoom?
var roomCaptureSessionConfig: RoomCaptureSession.Configuration = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration()

My setup:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    captureSession = RoomCaptureSession()
    captureSession?.delegate = self

    arView.session = captureSession!.arSession
    arView.session.delegate = self
    //captureSession?.run(configuration: roomCaptureSessionConfig)


    arView.environment.sceneUnderstanding.options = []
    // Turn on occlusion from the scene reconstruction's mesh.
    // Turn on physics for the scene reconstruction's mesh.

    // Display a debug visualization of the mesh.
    // For performance, disable render options that are not required for this app.
    arView.renderOptions = [.disablePersonOcclusion, .disableDepthOfField, .disableMotionBlur]
    // Manually configure what kind of AR session to run
    arView.automaticallyConfigureSession = false
    let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
    configuration.sceneReconstruction = .mesh
    configuration.environmentTexturing = .automatic

    captureSession?.run(configuration: roomCaptureSessionConfig)

I have the RoomCaptureSessionDelegate setup and can get the captured room but no meshing. Seems to me when I run captureSession, it overrides the arView.session.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

RoomCaptureSession with meshing