How to disable wide-angle for ARKit Face recognition?

So, we use ARFaceTrackingConfiguration and ARKit for a magic mirror like experience in our apps, augmenting users faces with digital content.

On the iPad Pro 5gen customers are complaining that the camera image is too wide, I'm assuming that is because of the new wide-angle camera necessary for Apples center-stage Facetime calls?

I have looked through Tracking and Visualizing Faces and the WWDC 2021 videos, but I must have missed any API's that allow us to disable the wide-angle feature on the new iPads programmatically?


So, now that we have an iPad 5th Generation with the 12MP camera I can see the problem more clearly.

Basically, what we'd need is for the ARSCNView to also have the center stage function that Apple offers in FaceTime. The full wide-angle-camera image is too big.