Hello Apple Platform developers. I am currently struggling with problem within the UIImagePickerController. The Navigationbar background color is somehow has no color (this appear only on the latest iOS version). Are there some kinda problem within the UIImagePickerController API?
here's how I instantiate the UIImagePIckerController
let picker = UIImagePickerController()
picker.sourceType = .photoLibrary
picker.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
picker.navigationBar.barTintColor = .blue
picker.delegate = self
picker.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
if #available (iOS 13, *) {
// let barAppearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
// barAppearance.configureWithDefaultBackground()
// barAppearance.backgroundColor = .red
// picker.navigationBar.standardAppearance = barAppearance
// picker.navigationBar.scrollEdgeAppearance = barAppearance
let barA = UINavigationBar.appearance()
barA.tintColor = .systemPink
return picker
as you can see, I tried to change the color and it does not appear to fix the problem
here's the problem visualization
how it supposed to look like
there's should be like a sticky white header