Tensorflow Problem


I followed the instructions listed here: https://developer.apple.com/metal/tensorflow-plugin/ and successfully downloaded tensorflow in my terminal, but I am unable to import tensorflow as tf in my jupter notebook. This error message appears: "The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically." I am very frustrated, please help asap! Kind regards Constance


Can you provide us with the printout of python -m pip list from the command line executed within the environment you are using to run the jupyter notebook? So in this case if following the installation guide you should get the printout from the base environment within Miniforge3.

My suspicion is that you might have tensorflow installed as well as tensorflow-macos which could lead to an error crashing the jupyter notebook kernel since this crash is observed at the point of importing the package.

You should install miniforge, tensorflow-deps, TensorFlow-macos and TensorFlow-metal.

The tensorflow-deps version should match TensorFlow-macos.

Tensorflow Problem