Sort workouts using the HKSampleQueryDescriptor

Is it possible to set TotalDistance for the sorts of HKSampleQueryDescriptor?

In HKSampleQuery, I can set TotalDistance as follows.

let sort = NSSortDescriptor(key: HKWorkoutSortIdentifierTotalDistance, ascending: false)
let type = HKWorkoutType.workoutType()

let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: type, predicate: nil, limit: 0, sortDescriptors: [sort] ){
            (query, results, error) -> Void in


I want to create a SortDescriptor for HKSampleQueryDescriptor.
When I set HKWorkout.totalDistance to parameter in SortDescriptor, the compile error occurred.

let sort = SortDescriptor(\HKWorkout.totalDistance, order: .forward)
// Error: "No exact matches in call to initializer"

I know that HKWorkout.totalDistance is deprecated.
Isn't it recommended to set TotalDistance to sort?

I'm expecting that on iOS 16, I can get my workouts in heart rate order, is this a mistake?

Sort workouts using the HKSampleQueryDescriptor