How to Handle Split Data in `Charts`?

I have a dataset I want to have split between past/historic data and future/predicted data. The values for the predicted data take the last value from pastData and apply a decay function to show how much of something is left.

I have the data split into two arrays (sampleData_History and sampleData_Future); I have also attempted this with the data combined (sampleData) and tried a conditional in the .foregroundStyle property.

Chart {
			ForEach(sampleData_History) { item in
				RuleMark(x: .value("Now",, unit: .hour)).foregroundStyle(.orange)

					x: .value("time",, unit: .hour),
					y: .value("mg", item.amount)
					x: .value("time",, unit: .hour),
					y: .value("mg", item.amount)
			ForEach(sampleData_Future) { item in
					x: .value("time",, unit: .hour),
					y: .value("mg", item.amount)
					x: .value("time",, unit: .hour),
					y: .value("mg", item.amount)

The above code yields the screenshot below. In the ideal case, I'd like to have everything AFTER the RuleMark line be a different color. Am I missing something? Where might I look to figure this out?

EDIT: I have also tried separating them into series to no avail

Poster Edit: The items to the right (red scribble) are listed in the sampleData_Future array.

You can try to serve all the data as one array, but add the data element to the field "come true": Bool and depending on this field specify the color of the graph.

You can try to serve all the data as one array, but add the data element to the field "come true": Bool and depending on this field specify the color of the graph

@zt01zg Were you able to figure out the solution of your question ? I am also caught into similar situation where I need to have the AreaMark with two different color to represent the past and future date along the x-axis. But haven't been able to the find solution yet.

@zt01zg Were you able to figure out the solution of your question ? I am also caught into similar situation where I need to have the AreaMark with two different color to represent the past and future date along the x-axis. But haven't been able to the find solution yet.

How to Handle Split Data in `Charts`?