




SwiftUI Chart Axis Alignment Issue
I am pretty new to SwiftUII and having trouble understanding how the Plottable value works in SwiftUIChart? I have a simple line chart to show step count. If I define LineMark's x value without unit i.e. value("Week Day", $0.weekday) then plotted data is aligned with x-axis. But, if I define LineMark's x value with unit i.e value("Week Day", $0.weekday, unit: .day) the x-axis does not align with the plotted value’s "date". Meaning that the line get plotted from between the first and second x-axis value.Since the first data from the chart's data array has the date as Jul 17, I was under impression that the line should start from x-axis having value Jul 17, instead is doesn't. If I remove unit then, the line start from Jul 17. struct StepCount: Identifiable {   let id = UUID()   let weekday: Date   let steps: Int   init(day: String, steps: Int) {     let formatter = DateFormatter()     formatter.dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd"     self.weekday = day) ?? Date.distantPast     self.steps = steps   } } let currentWeek: [StepCount] = [   StepCount(day: "20220717", steps: 5000),   StepCount(day: "20220718", steps: 15000),   StepCount(day: "20220719", steps: 5000),   StepCount(day: "20220720", steps: 10800),   StepCount(day: "20220721", steps: 5300),   StepCount(day: "20220722", steps: 10400),   StepCount(day: "20220723", steps: 4000) ] struct LineChart: View {   var body: some View {     VStack {       GroupBox ( "Line Chart - Step Count") {         Chart {           ForEach(currentWeek) {             LineMark(               x: .value("Week Day", $0.weekday),               y: .value("Step Count", $0.steps)             )           }         }         .chartYAxis {           AxisMarks(position: .leading)         }         .chartXAxis {           AxisMarks(preset: .aligned, values: .stride(by: .day))         }       }     }   } }
Jan ’23