xCode Cloud Archive XCFramework for Simulator and iOS (Universal)

Hello, I'm trying to port my framework CI to xCode Cloud and i have to create the release build that contains iOS ios-arm64 and ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator architectures for being able to build the XCFramework on iOS devices and Simulators.

I looked in the Archive Action in the Xcode Cloud options but the Platform selector has iOS but not not Simulator.

Currently i achieved the results that i needed by adding a ci_scripts/ ci_pre_xcodebuild and working with old fashion xcodebuild archive command and works fine .

Can i achieve what i want without the sh script by using predefined actions from Xcode Cloud ?



Could you open an enhancement request with your needs? Even outside of Xcode Cloud, creating an XCFramework requires a script to do the final packaging of the different destinations into the final XCFramework package. Backing up a step in the process, I see your point about the archive actions in Xcode Cloud limiting you here, unless the XCFramework is for macOS.

Once you open the enhancement request, please post the FB number here.

xCode Cloud Archive XCFramework for Simulator and iOS (Universal)