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Hello, I'm working on migrating my projects Xcode cloud and on specific release workflow i build a new version and after using agvtool i increment the version when all this finish i want to push the changes (aka version change) on git and make new tag also. The version change and git part is done on The issue that i have is an error on git git push --tags and git push : remote: Write access to repository not granted. fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403 From what i see on my account, Xcode cloud asks for this permissions : Read access to code, metadata, and pull requests Read and write access to checks and commit statuses So no push permission. Do you have any idea how to make this work ? Thanks, Florin
by AngryS.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Hello, I'm trying to port my framework CI to xCode Cloud and i have to create the release build that contains iOS ios-arm64 and ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator architectures for being able to build the XCFramework on iOS devices and Simulators. I looked in the Archive Action in the Xcode Cloud options but the Platform selector has iOS but not not Simulator. Currently i achieved the results that i needed by adding a ci_scripts/ ci_pre_xcodebuild and working with old fashion xcodebuild archive command and works fine . Can i achieve what i want without the sh script by using predefined actions from Xcode Cloud ? Thanks, Florin
by AngryS.
Last updated
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4 Replies
Hello, I'm working on an Apple Watch/ iPhone/PC/Mac OS sport applications with different types of connectivity and i'm a bit stuck with the bellow issue. I'm trying to Resolve a Bonjour that is using NWBrowser on WatchOS 8.6 on Apple Watch SE with LTE and i encounter strange issues: First i'm setup a NWBrowser : NWBrowser(for: .bonjourWithTXTRecord(type: "_angry._tcp", domain: nil), using: parameters) Then, using : browser?.browseResultsChangedHandler = { [weak self] results, changes in Everything works well until here I'm gathering info form name and txt of the service found and ask the client if i want's a connection to service found . Using NWConnection to connecting to the found enpoint: NWConnection(to: endpoint, using: params) Here starts the issue In the stateUpdateHandler : connection?.stateUpdateHandler = { state in     switch state {     case .ready:      if let innerEndpoint = connection?.currentPath?.remoteEndpoint,        case .hostPort(let host, let port) = innerEndpoint { i'm checking the port and host where i'm getting the wrong informations, an IPV6 and a port that don't exists on the target server and a log in the console : 2022-05-22 15:54:33.146148+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_copy_synthesized_url Endpoint type is not an address or host, cannot synthesize URL 2022-05-22 15:54:33.319537+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.319604+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.319621+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.319636+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.319651+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.501821+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.501875+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.501892+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.501908+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching 2022-05-22 15:54:33.501923+0300 WatchKit Extension[956:609596] [] nw_endpoint_proxy_match_exception_to_endpoint Invalid proxy endpoint type 3 for matching I tried this on an apple watch simulator and a couple of real iPhone devices and everything works well, i'm getting the good port and host and no console errors/warnings. PS: All this are done during a running HKWorkoutSession to ensure that the app is kept active during different networking operations. What i'm doing wrong since is working fine on iPhone and WatchOS Simulator? Thanks , Angry Software
by AngryS.
Last updated