We have some extensive tests which exercise UDP communication. Some of these tests fail fairly often due to the UDP packet being dropped by the kernel (or related reasons). These tests use loopback interface for communication. I have been looking to see if there's a way to pinpoint or narrow down exactly why a particular packet was dropped by the kernel. Looking at the kernel code, like here https://github.com/apple-opensource/xnu/blob/master/bsd/netinet/udp_usrreq.c#L1463 it appears that there are log message that get written out during some of this communication. However, looking at what KERNEL_DEBUG
stands for, it appears that it's:
* Traced only on debug kernels.
#define KDBG_DEBUG(x, ...) KDBG_(_DEBUG, x, ## __VA_ARGS__, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
So I don't think these logs get generated in a regular release build of the OS.
Are there any other ways we can generate similar logs or any other tools that will give a clearer picture of why the packet might be drop?