One-Time-Code is not supported in UITextView

I'm using a texContentType as oneTimeCode on UITextView but code suggestion not appears above of keyboard. I creating a example project to test it and put UITextField and a UITextView and the code suggestion only appears in UITextField. I'm using a texContentType as oneTimeCode in the UITextView, but the code suggestion doesn't appear above the keyboard. I'm creating a sample project to test it and I put UITextField and a UITextView and the code suggestion only appears in UITextField but both are textContentType like .oneTimeCode.

Apple documentaion reports that "iOS supports Password AutoFill on UITextField, UITextView, and any custom view that adopts the UITextInput protocol." but I can't use it in textView.

Could someone help me please? Am I forgetting to do something?

One-Time-Code is not supported in UITextView