apple watch clockkit on background is not working even on sample code

I just run sample app to check background delivery on health kit.

I added caffein on my health app on phone. but it dosen't triggered on obeserver processUpdate function.

func processUpdate(query: HKObserverQuery,
            completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void,
            error: Error?) {
    print("processUpdate come!!!!")
    logger.debug("Received an update from the background observer query.")
    // Check for any errors that occur while setting up the observer query.
    guard error == nil else {
      logger.error("Unable to set up a background observer query: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
    logger.debug("Responding to a background query.")
    Task {
      // Load the updated data from the HealthKit Store.
      let success = await loadNewDataFromHealthKit()
      // Check for any errors.
      guard success == true else {
        logger.error("Unable to query for new or deleted caffeine samples.")
      // Call the completion handler when done.
apple watch clockkit on background is not working even on sample code