PTT - PushToTalk - App Identifier Register

Hi there,

I am trying to register for an App Identifier with the new PushToTalk Capability but getting the following message

This request is forbidden for security reasons

The selected team does not have a program membership that is eligible for this feature. If you need assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support.

We have enrolled for Annual Apple Developer Program

Could you please help us in resolving this error.

Accepted Reply

Make sure the account owner has accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. (It is required in order to add the Push to Talk capability.)


Make sure the account owner has accepted the latest version of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. (It is required in order to add the Push to Talk capability.)


Thanks the above review agreement was the reason for app identifier register problem, Its resolved.

Tried sample application just to setupChannelManager and joinTheChannel, but for some reason PTChannelManager initialised successfully but with NO channelUUID and Error param also nil

Xcode Configuration wise, we have done the following things,

  • New PushToTalk Capability added for our application-identifier [ Apple Dev account]
  • New PushToTalk BackgroundMode is enabled
  • APNS capability added
  • Microphone Permission entry added in pList
  • We have the below required entitlements

    a>     b> aps-environmentdevelopment

Could you please help here and see whether anything we are missing which is resulting in NULL channelUUID

within didFinishLaunchingWithOptions delegate method

[PTChannelManager channelManagerWithDelegate:self restorationDelegate:self completionHandler:^(PTChannelManager * _Nullable manager, NSError * _Nullable error)

{     NSLog(@"Active Channel ID = %@", [[manager activeChannelUUID] description]);
