Looking for recommendation for s/w development machine

If I were looking for a Macbook for s/w development, is there a compelling reason to get an M1 chip device? No gaming intended.

I am a novice when it comes to Mac programming, though I have 35 years experience in development. I have always considered programming to be less CPU-intensive, but it can definitely benefit from more screen real estate and storage. Both of which I can get more of for less money without the M1.

Thanks for your input.

No need for M1 for development. I often work on MacBook Pro (15 pouces, 2016) with 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB Ram.

It is quite sufficient (only point, I attached a 27" display for more comfort, but that's not mandatory).

If you want your Mac to last for several years, and you take the longer view, then M-series chips are clearly the future.
It seems likely that Apple (and other) software will become increasingly optimised for the M-series.
I wouldn't consider any Intel Mac now.
If you are pushed for cash, consider an Apple refurbished model?

M-series chips have clear battery-life advantages.
If you ever intend to use it unplugged, then that is a factor.
If you're always plugged-in, then consider a Mac Mini instead.

The future does not look good for Intel Macs, Looking at the rate they are being dropped from macOS Ventura support.
Some Ventura features are also exclusive to Apple Silicon Macs.

Looking for recommendation for s/w development machine