What colour is this navigation bar background?

Dear Experts,

I have been looking at the documentation for system colours at

https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/visual-design/color/ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicolor/standard_colors/ https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicolor/ui_element_colors

It's all reasonably clear... until I actually look at some UIKit screens and try to work out which colour is being used where.

For example, what colour is the background of a navigation bar? It does not seem to be one of the standard colours. Attached is a screenshot from "UIKit Lab", which is a free UIKit catalogue/demo app. Scrolling through its list of standard colours, none of them seems to match the background of the navigation bar. It lies somewhere between systemBackground and secondarySystemBackground.

Is this perhaps because the base colour has been modified by a material effect, or something?

Thanks, Phil.

By default the navigation bar doesn't use a color, it uses a blur – the UIBlurEffectStyleSystemChromeMaterial blur style specifically.

Oh FFS, comments are limited to 140 characters???!!!

Hi Rincewind,

Right. But looking at examples like my screenshot where for whatever reason there is no bleed of the colour from below, what colour should it be?

I would expect that a blur of a uniform colour would result in the same uniform colour, but actually this blur effect seems to result in something lighter - assuming that the input to the blur is the same background colour as the content below it.

What colour is this navigation bar background?