Does captureTextFromCamera API availability will change during App running ?

I use this method to judge this device whether supports the captureTextFromCamera API :

let tf = UITextField()
tf.canPerformAction(#selector(UIResponder.captureTextFromCamera(_:)),withSender: nil)

This will return false on iPhoneX and return true on iPhone13 Pro

So I want to know: On iPhone13Pro

tf.canPerformAction(#selector(UIResponder.captureTextFromCamera(_:)),withSender: nil)

Can this method return the false ? Or this value won't change for every device?

Can I assume that this method will always return true on iPhone13 Pro and will always false on iPhoneX?

Accepted Reply

It will change by settings -> screentime -> content & privacy -> Allowed Apps,turn off the camera item


It will change by settings -> screentime -> content & privacy -> Allowed Apps,turn off the camera item

It will change by settings -> screentime -> content & privacy -> Allowed Apps,turn off the camera item