Upgrading tensorflow-macos and tensorflow-metal breaks Conv2d with groups arg

Today I upgraded tensorflow-macos to 2.9.0 and tensorflow-metal to 0.5.0, and found my old notebook failed to run.

It ran well with tensorflow-macos 2.8.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.4.0.

Specifically, I found that the groups arg of Conv2d layer was the cause.

Here is a demo:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras as tfk

# tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU')

Xs = tf.random.normal((32, 64, 48, 4))
ys = tf.random.normal((32,))


model = tfk.Sequential([
        kernel_size=(4, 3), 
        groups=4, # groups arg
    tfk.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'),


model.fit(Xs, ys, epochs=2, verbose=1)

The error is:

W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1745] OP_REQUIRES failed at xla_ops.cc:296 : UNIMPLEMENTED: Could not find compiler for platform METAL: NOT_FOUND: could not find registered compiler for platform METAL -- check target linkage

Removing groups arg would make the code run again.

Training on CPU, by uncommenting line 4, gives different error:

'apple-m1' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)

LLVM ERROR: 64-bit code requested on a subtarget that doesn't support it!

And removing groups arg also would make training on CPU work. However I didn't test training on CPU before the upgrade.

My device is a MacBook Pro 14' running macOS 12.4.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of wangcheng Down vote post of wangcheng


Hi @wangcheng

Thanks for reporting the problem. I am seeing the same behavior locally and will investigate what has caused this issue.

  • Any update here? We are currently blocked using on our MacBook Pros because of this issue.

  • Are there any updates? I still have the same issue with tensorflow-macos 2.11.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.7.1.

  • Are there any updates? I'm trying to train a MelGAN (https://keras.io/examples/audio/melgan_spectrogram_inversion/) which uses groups in Conv1D and I get the same error. I'm using tensroflow-metal 0.7.1 and tensorflow-macos 2.11.0.

Are there any updates? I'm trying to train MelGAN from the Kerns examples which uses groups in Conv1D. I get the same error with tensorflow-macos 2.11.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.7.1.

I'm getting this same error when running this notebook locally: https://colab.research.google.com/github/google/eng-edu/blob/main/ml/cc/exercises/linear_regression_with_synthetic_data.ipynb?utm_source=mlcc&utm_campaign=colab-external&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=linear_regression_synthetic_tf2-colab&hl=en#scrollTo=SIpsyJITPcbG