Upgrading tensorflow-macos and tensorflow-metal breaks Conv2d with groups arg

Today I upgraded tensorflow-macos to 2.9.0 and tensorflow-metal to 0.5.0, and found my old notebook failed to run.

It ran well with tensorflow-macos 2.8.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.4.0.

Specifically, I found that the groups arg of Conv2d layer was the cause.

Here is a demo:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras as tfk

# tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU')

Xs = tf.random.normal((32, 64, 48, 4))
ys = tf.random.normal((32,))


model = tfk.Sequential([
        kernel_size=(4, 3), 
        groups=4, # groups arg
    tfk.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'),


model.fit(Xs, ys, epochs=2, verbose=1)

The error is:

W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1745] OP_REQUIRES failed at xla_ops.cc:296 : UNIMPLEMENTED: Could not find compiler for platform METAL: NOT_FOUND: could not find registered compiler for platform METAL -- check target linkage

Removing groups arg would make the code run again.

Training on CPU, by uncommenting line 4, gives different error:

'apple-m1' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)

LLVM ERROR: 64-bit code requested on a subtarget that doesn't support it!

And removing groups arg also would make training on CPU work. However I didn't test training on CPU before the upgrade.

My device is a MacBook Pro 14' running macOS 12.4.

Hi @wangcheng

Thanks for reporting the problem. I am seeing the same behavior locally and will investigate what has caused this issue.

Are there any updates? I'm trying to train MelGAN from the Kerns examples which uses groups in Conv1D. I get the same error with tensorflow-macos 2.11.0 and tensorflow-metal 0.7.1.

I'm getting this same error when running this notebook locally: https://colab.research.google.com/github/google/eng-edu/blob/main/ml/cc/exercises/linear_regression_with_synthetic_data.ipynb?utm_source=mlcc&utm_campaign=colab-external&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=linear_regression_synthetic_tf2-colab&hl=en#scrollTo=SIpsyJITPcbG

Upgrading tensorflow-macos and tensorflow-metal breaks Conv2d with groups arg