xcode 13 build app codesign failed appname.app is directory

I am trying to find a solution for the message I get which does not compare correctly with the actual system status.

In the screenshot the message states mouse4cat.app is a folder the finder shows its an application. Can someone please help me with this as its foxed me.


it says signing identity is "-". have you set any signing identity? or set automatic signing?

here some more info https://codesigningstore.com/difference-between-code-signing-identities-and-provisioning-profiles

I am sorry I left off a screenshot. I have signing set to automatic.

I contacted Development Support and they gave my some links about app signing and I have worked my way through them but have not got anywhere and have messed things up even further as I now do not have the necessary signed certificate, profile, etc.

I am now looking for a step by step guide for setting up the signing for my app and my future development here.

Can anyone please give me a link for one of those.

I’ll be helping MrMajorThorburn in another context.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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