I am getting a crash report from a user, where they get an application crash when they open a CSV file on their device. I use the standard DataFrame(contentsOfCSVFile: fileURL, options: options)
initializer to create a DataFrame, but that's where it's crashing, even though it's inside a try-catch block:
public func loadInitialCSVData(withURL fileURL: URL) throws -> DataFrame {
let options = CSVReadingOptions(hasHeaderRow: true, delimiter: ",")
do {
let dataFrame = try DataFrame(contentsOfCSVFile: fileURL, options: options)
} catch {
// log error here - doesn't get here
This is from the crash report:
Exception Type: SIGTRAP
Exception Codes: TRAP_BRKPT at 0x21e02be38
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 TabularData 0x000000021e02be38 __swift_project_boxed_opaque_existential_1 + 9488
1 TabularData 0x000000021e099d64 __swift_memcpy17_8 + 4612
2 TabularData 0x000000021e099958 __swift_memcpy17_8 + 3576
3 TabularData 0x000000021e09935c __swift_memcpy17_8 + 2044
4 Contacts Journal CRM 0x000000010433f614 Contacts_Journal_CRM.CJCSVHeaderMapper.loadInitialCSVData(withURL: Foundation.URL) throws -> TabularData.DataFrame (CJCSVHeaderMapper.swift:26)
5 Contacts Journal CRM 0x00000001043009d8 (extension in Contacts_Journal_CRM):__C.MacContactsViewController.handleSelectedCSVFileForURL(selectedURL: Foundation.URL) -> () (MacContactsViewControllerExtension.swift:28)
6 Contacts Journal CRM 0x0000000104301e64 @objc (extension in Contacts_Journal_CRM):__C.MacContactsViewController.handleSelectedCSVFileForURL(selectedURL: Foundation.URL) -> () (<compiler-generated>:0)
7 Contacts Journal CRM 0x0000000104222c94 __51-[MacContactsViewController importCSVFileSelected:]_block_invoke (MacContactsViewController.m:954)
8 AppKit 0x00000001bbe8f294 -[NSSavePanel didEndPanelWithReturnCode:] + 84`
I can't diagnose the crash, because it doesn't have more information. I don't have access to the CSV file currently either, so I don't know what else I can do to prevent it.
What could possibly be causing this crash? Does it not matter that I am also trying to catch the errors it's throwing, or can the app crash because of some internal reasons with the framework?
Yes, I was able to replicate the issue with a CSV file with duplicate column names
Please try this out on the macOS 13 beta that we just seeded. My understanding is that this problem is fixed there.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"