MapKit check overlay intersection (MKPolygon || MKCircle)

I am trying to detect wether two MKOverlays (might be circles or polygons) intersect.

Tried using boundingMapRect but it draws a rectangle around my overlay thus giving me inaccurate results.

if polygon != nil {
            intersectionOverlay = polygon!
        } else {
            intersectionOverlay = circle!
for overlay: MKOverlay in mapView.overlays {
            let rect = overlay.boundingMapRect
            if rect.intersects(intersectionOverlay.boundingMapRect) { 
            print("Intersects \(overlay.title)")

Using that piece of code, would return true for the situation in the images below. Is there any other better way to achieve the desired results? Thanks

MapKit doesn't support true geometry operations. You will have to find a 3rd party library.

MapKit check overlay intersection (MKPolygon || MKCircle)