Is UICollectionView unable to change focus to views that are hidden?

Let's say I am a VoiceOver user that wants to use the rotor option "Headers" to iterate through supplementary header views of a UICollectionView. This behavior works as expected if the number of cells between each header view is less than the height of the UICollectionView. However, if there are lots of items between the visible header view and the adjacent one that is hidden, the device currently says "header not found" and requires a three-finger swipe to eventually bring the header into view.

I can understand the technical reason behind this; UICollectionView does not actually have everything loaded into memory and reuses cells to give the impression that it does, so the device is technically not finding the view. Does that mean that VoiceOver users are quite used to hearing "Heading not found" and using the three-finger swipe motion as a workaround to this issue? Or is this an actual bug?

I don't see much discussion of this in the forums either (I apologize if this has been answered anywhere else), so I thought of posting this question here. Thanks!