Universal Links - Exclude only works first time


I have defined the following AASA File for my app:

	"applinks": {
		"apps": [],
		"details": [
				"appID": "xxxxxx.com.company.app",
				"paths": [ "NOT /", "/path1/*", "/path2/*"],

The goal was to just allow path1 and path2 to be opened by the app - all other urls like password reset urls .. should be opened in browser. I have deleted the app from the phone and restarted the phone. Afterwards I have installed the current app. I have sent multiple types of urls via iMessage to the test device then.

After first try, the url which does not include path1 or path2 opens in browser. Then I tried one which should be opened by the app - worked also. After that I retried the excluded url -> app is also opened! From that point on the app is always opened.

So my question is why is the excluding logic only working on first try, and then the app is always opened?!

What is the best way to achieve this? Is my definition maybe wrong?

(Testdevice is running 14.6)