How to determine count of big vs. little cores?

I know how to do this with macOS 12/iOS 15, but how do we determine the split prior? I know most phones are 2/4, but A10 is 2/2 exclusive.

This is the new way below, but what is the old way? Especially with Alderlake chips using 8HT/8 configs with 24 threads, this info is important to identify.

sysctlbyname( "hw.nperflevels", &perfLevelCount, &countSize, NULL, 0 )
sysctlbyname( "hw.perflevel0.physicalcpu", &info.bigCores, &countSize, NULL, 0 )
sysctlbyname( "hw.perflevel1.physicalcpu", &info.littleCores, &countSize, NULL, 0 )