Framework doesn't build for macOS target: no such module 'SomeFramework' & failed to build module 'MyFramework' ...


I faced a weird problem with my framework imported into my app. MyFramework uses some other frameworks like OpenSSL etc. I build MyFramework with the script:


rm -rf build/

xcodebuild archive -scheme "$FrameworkName" \
  -configuration Debug -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' \
  -archivePath "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive" \

xcodebuild archive -scheme "$FrameworkName" \
  -configuration Debug -destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator' \
  -archivePath "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive" \

xcodebuild archive -scheme "$FrameworkName" \
  -configuration Debug -destination 'generic/platform=macOS' \
  -archivePath "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-macos.xcarchive" \

# Fix (caused by

grep -rli "$FrameworkName.$FrameworkName" $pattern \
   | xargs sed -i '' "s,$FrameworkName.$FrameworkName,$FrameworkName,g"

# end fix

xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
  -framework "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$FrameworkName.framework" \
  -framework "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$FrameworkName.framework" \
  -framework "./build/$FrameworkName.framework-macos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/$FrameworkName.framework" \
  -output "./build/$FrameworkName.xcframework"

# Wait for process completion and verify result
wait $pid
echo "Process with PID $pid has finished with Exit status: $?"
[[ ! -d "./build/$FrameworkName.xcframework/" ]] && {
  msg="[ERROR] expected ./build/$FrameworkName.xcframework/ to exist"; echo -e $msg
  exit 1

As you can see, it is also built framework for the macOS platform. A little digression: I prefer using Carthage to build xcframeworks, but here it doesn't work, I don't the reason.

The aforementioned build solution works great, all frameworks included in MyFramework don't have any issues when I use MyFramework in my iOS App. The problem starts with using MyFramework in macOS target App. It shows two related errors, I tried some solutions but didn't find a proper way... Errors:

blablabla/DerivedData/MyApp-hdzvzxtsnsdivzcialzikxjdwidw/Build/Products/Debug/MyFramework.framework/Modules/MyFramework.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-macos.swiftinterface:9:8: error: no such module 'OpenSSL'

import OpenSSL

And the second one:

blablabla/Helpers/Injected/Services.swift:10:8: error: failed to build module 'MyFramework' for importation due to the errors above; the textual interface may be broken by project issues or a compiler bug

import MyFramework

I can import the OpenSSL framework to the macOS app and then I faced the same problem with the next framework from MyFramework's importing list - it isn't a solution... What causes that problem?

Thanks in advance for any help... 🥺

It may be good to know that when I linked all used by MyFramework frameworks to MyApp which uses MyFramework app build successfully. It seems that frameworks in MyFramework aren't linked correctly, but only for the macOS project, in the iOS project, all work properly.

Framework doesn't build for macOS target: no such module 'SomeFramework' & failed to build module 'MyFramework' ...