HLS black screen on all ios devices

Our custom software takes RTSP from cctv cameras and turns it into an RTSP stream that we play through calppr player.

One particular model of camera wont play on ios devices. It is just all black when trying to play it. on ios (all versions of ios)

It still works great on PC, Mac, and Android.

Our hls stream is video only. There is no audio.

The problem is not with the player because I tested other players and they do the same thing on iOS. Black screen or at best they freeze on the first picture and don't ever move.

Any advice on what the problem may be?

Thank you so much!


Sounds like a bad video bitstream. The iOS video decoder is pickier in some ways about incorrect video encodes. If you can, you should find a video bitstream analyzer and run your video through it.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    When I encode the rtsp stream to libx264 the hls works fine on iphone.

    When I do NOT encode but just use the plain rtsp stream from the camera I have the problem playing it on iphone.

    It either just plays the first frame then goes black... or just plays black right from the start.

    I analyze the .ts files created both ways... I could not see much difference.

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